(urth) What's So Great About Ushas?

Roy C. Lackey rclackey at stic.net
Thu Jul 10 23:24:15 PDT 2008

Paul Borochin wrote:
>I don't think the Hierogrammates have any different a relationship with God
>than the Hiero humans do, as both are created - one by the other, no less,
>according to Wolfe.  Who is this "Increate" person, anyway?
>Wolfe can logically both worship a God and condemn a race of aliens playing

We are on opposite sides in this particular argument; that is, I do think
the Hierogrammates got their marching orders from the
Increate/Outsider/Judeo-Christian God. Some might say Demiurge. But I've
said it all before. Still . . .

>Incidentally, the Problem of Evil has never had an answer besides "stop
>asking stupid questions", which is less than satisfactory in my mind.

I like the way you think. Like Sgt. Friday on the old "Dragnet" TV show:
"Just the facts, ma'am." Reminds me of somebody.


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