(urth) Father Inire guises

Jeff Wilson jwilson at io.com
Sat Jul 5 10:22:39 PDT 2008

b sharp wrote:
> Jeff Wilson writes:
>> One of the ways of telling a person is dead is that opposing muscle 
>> groups are relaxed, so it would not be unusual for a person often in the 
>> grip of strong emotion to look more youthful in death, or a wry necked 
>> person to lay straighter now that the abnormal muscle tension is gone.
>> And why would Inire spend years trolling alone, again?
> Jeff if you are trying to make argments for why Dorcas' husband might not
> be  Father Inire you are breaking down an open door. I agree, he might not
>  be. But I think he could be.   If you are trying to argue he couldn't possibly 
> be, that's a different story and you'll need more definitive proof,  I think.  

Okay, you have no explanation to back up your earlier supposition then.

> You seem to prefer prosaic explanations, in this case the similarities between 
> Dorcas' husband and Father Inire are explained by you  as an attempt at character 
> dialog irony by Wolfe.  His young appearance in death is a sort of anti-rigor 
> mortis that relaxes the muscles.  There are other examples where you reject a
> fantastic explanation in favor of a humdrum one.  Occam's razor as Roy likes to
> invoke?

Relaxation vs rigor mortis is a question of how long has he been dead. 
The body relaxes immediately as soon as the nervous system stops 
delivering signals, and RM doesn't begin to take up until hours later.

> For me, Occam is a prinicple for real world applications. This is a story. Some authors
>  are the sort that would spend pages finding incredible descriptive beauty in a rock or 
> something. Gene Wolfe seems the opposite to me. He seems like a guy with a lot of 
> fantastical ideas in his head who likes to veil them behind mundane and overly casual
> descriptions sometimes.

He goes the other way as well: the flying cathedral is really just a 
tent serving as a hot air balloon, and the magical painting is really 
just an optical illusion.

Jeff Wilson - jwilson at io.com
< http://www.io.com/~jwilson >

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