(urth) Graves etc.

Matthew Keeley matthew.keeley.1 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 15:38:39 PST 2008

> I do recommend Graves's book on the Greek myths -- very handy for the
> etymology of names.  But it sounds like Frazer's The Golden Bough is
> probably a better source Wolfe's reception of comparative mythology
> and religion.

Not that Frazer is much closer to Wolfe's views - he was very critical
of Christianity. Parts of the Golden Bough are direct attempts to
undermine Christian beliefs. Alas, I doubt any of us will read the
whole thing - it's about thirteen volumes, and the only
readily-available print version is the Oxford University Press
abridgment (which is still 800 pages long). Frazer's own two-volume
abridgment is out-of-print and apparently doesn't have some of the
most interesting and controversial material. The abridgment is
available online at Project Gutenberg though:


Do check it out. Unlike The White Goddess, Frazer is fun to read.


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