(urth) Abaia and the undines

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Tue Dec 9 20:42:30 PST 2008

>> Actually, Antarctica is the single strongest argument against my
>> theory that the continents have shifted position noticeably by the
>> time of BotNS: the Megatherian Erebus is named for the volcano
>> on Antarctica in which, apparently, he makes his residence. I was
>> kind of surprised that nobody mentioned this when I proposed it.

Right. Roy wouldn't like your reasoning since it relies on 
evidence-by-reference, but I find it pretty conclusive all by itself. As it 
is, there are other signs pointing to Erebus being at Antarctica as well.

IIRC Severian says that where he is (south of the Equator) it is cold in the 
South and warm in the North. It's the opposite in the land of the Ascians. 
So South is not "North" in Severianland.

Erebus = Antarctica (presumably in an underground base "under the ice").
Abaia = North Pole (controlling the Ascians)
Scylla = East of Nessus??? I say this since it gives her proximity to 
Arioch= Pacific and points West?

There seems to be only four Megatherians of any significance in Severians 
day. Just because there have been seventeen over the years doesn't mean they 
are all alive or still living on Earth. Typhon might have *become* a 
Megatherian given time and the opportunity to attach more heads and snakey 


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