(urth) Got a spare grand-and-half?

Son of Witz sonofwitz at butcherbaker.org
Mon Dec 1 16:26:15 PST 2008

>Well, I think that at various times we've all missed the New Sun boat
>in one way or another. I don't think any of the illustrations conform
>to my view of Urth, though "Leaving Nessus" isn't too bad (though the
>city is too futuristic by far). I think the biggest failure is the
>"floating city", which I take it is Preuss' illustration of the
>Pelerine's "cathedral".
>Like you said, I could nitpick for hours, but won't.
>By not showing much of Severian, and never showing him in decent
>light, Preuss did at least solve the vexed problem of Sev's chest

Lol. Well avoided.
though he did avoid the fuligin along with it. 
and yeah, the Floating City is the most "off" thing there I think.

I'm just a picky bastard I guess.

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