(urth) AEG: a Wolder on Earth

David Duffy David.Duffy at qimr.edu.au
Mon Dec 22 23:37:20 PST 2008

On Wed, 17 Dec 2008, Roy C. Lackey wrote:

> Woldercan is supposed to be more advanced than Earth in biology, but exactly
> how is not specified. Gid healed a boy's bad heart, when the best medical
> care that could be bought on Earth couldn't do it. He has other exotic
> talents as well.

Catching up with the list now I have read AEG.  His "bad heart" is pretty 
obviously not physical.  I thought it likely that he was a changeling, viz 
the description of incipient followers of Mr Squid.  And I presume his 
mother (who is wealthy) might well own "a thousand million" and a yacht. 
She must have been the Ambassadress that lived with BR on Woldercan.  And 
Shirley Bench knew an awful lot about her and Rian, including the fact 
that he was too brave.

Cheers, David Duffy.

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