(urth) Castleview comments

Jeff Wilson jwilson at io.com
Fri Dec 19 11:33:19 PST 2008

John Smith wrote:
> I used to live near Barrington, Illinois, which is Gene Wolfe's home.   In the nearby town of Fox River Grove, there was a restaurant called "Castleview."  From the restaurant you could see a strange house that was built to resemble a castle, with crenellations and turrets.  I've often wondered if it gave Wolfe the idea for his novel.

I think it likely; numerous features of GW's military college campus 
seem to influence the architechture of the Citadel in the BotNS, as well 
   as the Library and possibly Maison du Chien in 5HC.

Jeff Wilson - jwilson at io.com
< http://www.io.com/~jwilson >

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