(urth) Audio recordings of Wolfe

Nigel Price nigelaprice at talktalk.net
Fri Dec 5 16:17:47 PST 2008

Dave Lebling wrote...

>>The idea of a panel with Gene Wolfe and Fred Pohl
>>attracting no one amazes me. Had I been at that
>>convention there would have been at least one

Absolutely. It's hard to understand. I imagine it must have been quite early
in Wolfe's career, but even so, Pohl was a well established author by then.

Hmmm... Maybe the other author wasn't Pohl!

Then again, I attended the 1987 WorldCon in Brighton and never saw either of
the Wolfes, even though they were both there. I'd not read any of Gene's
books at that stage and he was not yet of interest to me.

Goodness, perhaps I was one of the people who failed to turn up to that
panel as well!

By the way, Wolfe confirmed that he was indeed at the talk which Ray
Harryhausen gave at Brighton. He too heard about animating a six-legged
octopus so that it could attack a model of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Son of Witz said...

>>and Nigel, I haven't heard details,
>>but I hope you're feeling better.

Thanks, Witz. I'm slowly getting there!


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