(urth) Abaia and the undines

Son of Witz sonofwitz at butcherbaker.org
Fri Dec 5 16:16:57 PST 2008

>for example, I see no reason to assume that the Hierogrammates/Hierodules 
>really work for the Increate at all, or do his bidding, or that the 
>Increate caused the Flood any more than God causes the deaths of puppies).

What I find HARD to swallow, is the idea that a devout Catholic, a self-proclaimed "Catholic Author",  would write a sprawling Messianic tale about Death & Resurrection which had it's ultimate point that everything that seemed to be the Work of God was just a bunch of selfish manipulation by charlatanes.  

That is the most preposterous idea I've seen yet in conjunction with this work.

Does anyone thing a Believer in Christ would write a story this full of Christian symbolism just to yank the rug out from under you and say "sucker, you're faith is all a lie"?

I have to say, it's not a compelling reading.


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