(urth) A silly digression on nits and how to pick them.
hammstu at sbcglobal.net
hammstu at sbcglobal.net
Thu Aug 14 08:04:59 PDT 2008
------Original Message------
From: brunians at brunians.org
Sender: urth-bounces at lists.urth.net
To: The Urth Mailing List
ReplyTo: The Urth Mailing List
Sent: Aug 14, 2008 5:05 AM
Subject: Re: (urth) A silly digression on nits and how to pick them.
But would a gay inhumu be an inhomo?
I am ashamed.
> Kieran Mullen wrote:
>> Mr. Millman may have been a bit exasperated in his corrections,
>> but they were short and to the point. I learned something from them.
>> We should aspire to use these unfamiliar words correctly.
> As the corrected poster, I would like to say that I didn't mind too
> much. I would rather have had feedback on the substance of my post, but
> it was an interesting response anyway and it showed me that someone was
> reading and paying attention. I do attempt to use words correctly and
> the gender-neutral use of "inhumi" was a bit of a grammatical stretch.
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