(urth) Anthropological Fieldwork
brunians at brunians.org
brunians at brunians.org
Wed Aug 13 13:47:33 PDT 2008
To answer Mark's questions in order: it's not, no, and so what?
People divide into those who wish to control the actions of others and
those who do not. The motivations of the first group are of interest to
me, so when I observe this behavior, I have been known to attempt to
ascertain the motivations of the individual so behaving.
> .....Word
> ------Original Message------
> From: Matthew King
> Sender:
> To: The Urth Mailing List
> ReplyTo: The Urth Mailing List
> Sent: Aug 13, 2008 12:45 PM
> Subject: Re: (urth) A second dream team: Mucor, Oreb, and Pike
> Last!
> On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 2:25 PM, Mark Millman <markjmillman at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Dear brunians,
>> Dunno. Why is it important for you to know?
>> Alternatively: Don't you ever feel that way?
>> Also, and most pickily: Please note that I haven't invited you to
>> address me by my given name.
>> But, I fear, we're getting way too off-topic now, so I won't be
>> responding to any more messages in this thread.
>> Anybody who wants the last word is welcome to it.
>> Best,
>> Mark Millman
>> On Wednesday 13 August 2008, brunians wrote:
>>> Why is it important to you that other people
>>> should conform to your standards of correct-
>>> ness, Mark? If you understand what they
>>> are saying, is it really necessary that you
>>> point out to them that they are wrong? Why
>>> do you do this, if it is not necessary?
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