(urth) A second dream team: Mucor, Oreb, and Pike
Matthew King
automatthew at gmail.com
Wed Aug 13 12:45:47 PDT 2008
On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 2:25 PM, Mark Millman <markjmillman at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear brunians,
> Dunno. Why is it important for you to know?
> Alternatively: Don't you ever feel that way?
> Also, and most pickily: Please note that I haven't invited you to
> address me by my given name.
> But, I fear, we're getting way too off-topic now, so I won't be
> responding to any more messages in this thread.
> Anybody who wants the last word is welcome to it.
> Best,
> Mark Millman
> On Wednesday 13 August 2008, brunians wrote:
>> Why is it important to you that other people
>> should conform to your standards of correct-
>> ness, Mark? If you understand what they
>> are saying, is it really necessary that you
>> point out to them that they are wrong? Why
>> do you do this, if it is not necessary?
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