(urth) Cave Canem back online
Gwern Branwen
gwern0 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 8 08:58:33 PDT 2008
On 2008.08.08 16:32:53 +0100, Mo Holkar / UKG <lists at ukg.co.uk> scribbled 0.7K characters:
> At 14:26 08/08/2008, you wrote:
>> So speaking of the WolfeWiki, what license is it under? (I believe
>> choice of license is tremendously important for all the reason
>> adumbrated back during the discussions about setting up a wiki.)
> That is an issue that the contributors have not yet discussed.
I see. They ought to be pushed to discuss it, and sooner rather than later - the longer such a discussion is delayed, the worse off everyone will be.
>> I looked all over the introductions and links, but it doesn't seem to
>> be discussed anywhere, and the wiki also doesn't seem to let me edit
>> anonymously, so...
> That's right -- you have to have a username to edit. You can create a
> user account by providing a valid email address (which is kept private).
> best wishes,
> Mo
Mm. Well, since the license situation is unclear I consider there to be no point in registering and contributing. (Life's a bit too short to hamstring the utility of editing or risk making them useless because of derivative works; especially when there's still a ton of work which could be done on Wikipedia, which has no such issues.)
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