(urth) Etymology/meaning/onomatopoeic aspects of the word "Urth"

Michael Straight mfstraight at gmail.com
Fri Apr 25 13:36:23 PDT 2008

On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 2:46 PM, Jeff Wilson <jwilson at io.com> wrote:
> Michael Straight wrote:

>  > Also, there just aren't many English words that start with "ur".
>  Urania of Uranus urgently yet urbanely urinated uranium hexafluoride on
>  the urban landscape, abating the urticaria of Urkel, an Uruguayan ursine.

To make it clear to our Czech friends, only seven of those words are
commonly used in English.  (Eight if you count the borderline

And that's really about it.  Urchin, urethra, and a few more words
derived from either urine or urban.  Glancing though the dictionary, I
don't see any other "ur-" words that I've even seen before.

-- Rostrum

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