(urth) Etymology/meaning/onomatopoeic aspects of the word "Urth"

Pavel Bakič pavelbak at gmail.com
Thu Apr 24 10:20:22 PDT 2008

A question for the first-language speakers out there: We have a discussion
going on concerning a proper rendering of the word "Urth" into Czech, and
would appreciate any comments concerning the connotations the word has for a
native speaker, apart form the obvious "Earth". An existing translation of *The
Shadow of the Torturer* has "Urzemě", which translates literally as
"Ur-Earth" (without the repetition of the "r" phoneme or the
"vowel-consonant[s]" syllable structure, of course).

I *did *search for previous threads concerning the topic, but the fact of
the archive-site being itself called Urth made it somewhat difficult.
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