(urth) C.S. Lewis's influence

Andy Robertson andywrobertson at clara.co.uk
Wed Sep 5 03:20:05 PDT 2007

Dan'l Danehy-Oakes writes: 

>  grew up with Lewis, had read the
> trilogy several times before tSotT came out, and I quite honestly
> never felt that sense of familiarity in going the other direction.

Ditto, and ditto 

I'm sure Wolfe has read Lewis, but I don't see any sort of direct influence. 

What I do see is that Wolfe in the New/Long/Short sun books is writing in 
the same genre as Lewis in his SF trilogy - religious science fiction that 
presupposes the objective reality of angelic beings and of god - and that 
this is a genre so sparsely exploited today that one may see linkages of a 
type that are not there. 



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