(urth) * Spoilers * PF stuff

Matthew Groves matthewalangroves at gmail.com
Fri Nov 30 10:54:49 PST 2007

thalassocrat wrote:
> there is no hint whatsoever, as
> far as I can see, that a mother ever existed.

There is a hint, but it is sufficiently cagey that it almost suggests
the opposite.  It is on page 226.  Chris is fighting his temptation to
go to New Jersey:  "I tell myself that if I do not speak to either of
them it can do no harm.  That may be true, but can I control the urge
to speak to them when I see them? [...] What if my father decided not
to go to Cuba to run the casino?" etc.

So it's seems that one of the "either of them" is his father, and one
might assume the other is his mother, but it is not stated, and this
omission is suggestive.  Who is the other of "them"?

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