(urth) Film Version of New Sun?

Matthew Keeley matthew.keeley.1 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 19 14:32:30 PDT 2007

In regards to an animated version of The Book of the New Sun, I'd love to
see one of the Japanese studios take it on. Satoshi Kon, from what I know of
him, might do a good job with The Book of the New Sun. I'd actually prefer a
26-episode series to a feature film, if only because that could provide more
room for detail.

I don't think Miyazaki would necessarily be my top choice for Severian's
story, but I understand that his company, Studio Ghibli, recently did a film
of LeGuin's Earthsea books, though the film can't come out in the US until
2009 (http://www.ursulakleguin.com/GedoSenkiResponse.html). Wolfe devotees
might also enjoy Miyazaki's Howl's Moving Castle, which is based off a book
by a Diana Wynne Jones, who Wolfe apparently really likes.

As for Bridge to Terabithia, I never read it, but it was very popular when I
was growing up. Several of my friends, when they saw a poster for the movie,
reminisced about how "It was my favorite book going up." I gather it has a
larger following than one might think.


On 6/19/07, Scott K <scott at skatemonk.com> wrote:
> I would so love to see a not-for-kids animated version, as I feel that
> animation is almost the only way to convey the feel of a story like
> this (similar to how I feel about the rumored Neil Gaiman Sandman film-
> think Miazaki!). Did anyone see the TV miniseries of Ghormenghast? That
> was a wonderful (and fairly long) telling of the first 2 books of the
> cycle. I don't think Mervyn Peake was all that great a writer, those
> books were all about conveying loads of tone and atmosphere, and I
> thought the movie did it pretty well. Maybe a TV miniseries would be
> the best way to convey Sev's story, as layered and atmospheric as it
> is. I don't think there's a big enough fan base to support a cinematic
> film, but I'd never heard of Bridge to Tarabethia before, either, so
> who knows?
> -Scott K
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