(urth) A Quick Question

Paul B pb.stuff at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 22:42:48 PDT 2007

Oh, I see what you mean.  I'd thought he referred to his much shorter
capture by the Ascians in Citadel, which admittedly seemed much shorter than
a year, since he says the Autarch (as Severian and the old autarch) was
absent for a month only in XXIV of Citadel.  However, I dismissed that as
another self-contradiction by Severian.
But, if it's true, then that means he must have been captured twice - one
would think that would somehow have been more important than it's been, but
I suppose that's solidly in the realm of speculation.


On 7/19/07, Roy C. Lackey <rclackey at stic.net> wrote:
> Paul B wrote:
> >Hi!  I saw this alluded to in the archives, but wasn't able to find a
> text
> >reference - where does it say that Severian spent a year as an Ascian
> slave,
> >after becoming Autarch?
> >That's a curious detail that came as a surprise to me.
> URTH, chapter LI, second page. But it doesn't quite say he was a slave
> then.
> -Roy
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Paul Borochin
PhD student, Fuqua School
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