(urth) Dr. Island on WolfeWiki

Matthew Groves matthewalangroves at gmail.com
Sat Jul 28 21:04:23 PDT 2007

Matt Keeley wrote:
> The main character
> of "The Death of Dr. Island" has a split brain and two personalities, while
> "Il Penseroso" is a companion piece to Milton's earlier "L'Allegro."

Excellent!  I knew about the poetic pairing but I didn't connect it to
Nicholas's divided brain (one of which is *silent* while the other
does the talking!).  Also, I should have linked to the page on DoDI:


As I say, it's just a beginning, but I think if we can get some people
together with a little expertise in the areas I listed, we could
really make some headway on interpreting this story.

Matt G.

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