(urth) Soldier of Sidon

Michael Straight mfstraight at gmail.com
Mon Jul 16 13:52:49 PDT 2007

On 7/16/07, Henry Eissler <henryeissleriii at mindspring.com> wrote:

> I also noticed that Latro seemed much happier through most of this
> journey, but it struck me more as a reflection on how much he had
> disliked the "strategem loving" Hellenes, but admired the people of Kemet.

It also helps that most of the Egyptians (for most of that trip up the
Nile) were treating him with respect and not as a slave.

I was going to make a similar comment myself.  I'll have to re-read
the book before I have anything substantial to say about it, but one
thing that stuck out for me is that I enjoyed seeing Latro so happy on
his journey up the Nile.  I guess I really like the character.


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