(urth) Just finished re-reading the Wizard

Allan Anderson rubel at goosemoon.org
Mon Jul 16 12:50:20 PDT 2007

John Sweeney wrote:
> And like all of Wolfe's work, it's that much more satisfying the 
> second time around.   Any word on our National Treasure following up 
> with anything in that series? 
> The end (although it's one of those "the tale goes ever on" endings) 
> sure looks like he had more to say about the Seven Worlds....

I liked the end, and several other bits such as the tourney, but my 
strongest memory of The Wizard comes from waiting for Able to stop 
talking about the tedious details of Jotun courtly life. I guess I'll 
give it another read later, but maybe after I've finished a few other 
unread Wolfe books :)

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