(urth) Don't Sell 'Em Short

brunians at brunians.org brunians at brunians.org
Thu Apr 12 14:54:40 PDT 2007

> While [Starship Troopers] was not especially faithful to the book IIRC
> it did successfully capture the "tone" and "angle" of the book. The book
> was one of those scifi stories (there were a lot of these in the 50s) that
> were really just the author's memoir of military life with some
> sociopolitical commentary thrown in.

Ah yes, a naval officer's memoir of his life in the infantry.

What's really interesting about Heinlein - way more than his writing - is
the influence he has had upon the modern (US) military, which is profound.
There was a series of talks about this at the 2002 WorldCon.

I've not seen the movie. I think that Heinlein generally is overrated, but
I value the book reasonably well. Of course I was an infantryman and I
mostly agree with Bob's political ideas.


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