(urth) The Soundtrack

Jeff Wilson jwilson at io.com
Thu Apr 12 00:28:48 PDT 2007

James Wynn wrote:
>> I think the idea of a Memento with Greek gods would baffle people.
> I agree, especially since the gods in the Greek portion of "Soldier"
> are way too obscure for pedestrian movie watchers. Zeus, Athena,
> Hermes are nowhere to be found. Demeter and Hecate are major gods but
> are unknown to more than a tiny subset 14-30 year olds. And even when
> they aren't obscure, they either appear in unfamiliar fashion as Ares
> does in "Arete" and as Aphrodite does in Corinth in "Mist", or without
> any visual identifiers that would help the audience know who he is.
> For example, I can imagine when (is it) Odysseus?? comes in to help
> Latro by holding back the fighters, some producer will want a screen
> tag that says:
> "Odysseus. Hero of the Trojan War and famous explorer of Greek legend.
> He is long dead by this time."

This is do-able as in the recent _Alexander_, with a short sequence of 
Philip showing young Alexander the mystery cave and delivering his 
maltheistic rant seeded with trivia about the mythic and legendary 
figures' antiquity.

This could be economically adapted to the hypothetical Soldier movie by 
opening on a liturgical ceremony of Eurykles' mystery cult being 
overheard by Latro, who is seized as an infidel but is spared when 
Eurykles explains his head wound causes him to forget all he witnesses 
and that he finds this sort of "servant" useful.

Then during the rest of the film, the more enigmatic divinities and 
spirits are signified by displaying an attribute mentioned during the 

Jeff Wilson - jwilson at io.com
< http://www.io.com/~jwilson >

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