(urth) Wolfe being clear on 5HoC

Tony Ellis tonyellis69 at btopenworld.com
Thu Sep 7 14:42:02 PDT 2006

Daniel D Jones wrote:
>Who do you think the Shadow People are?  I took it that they were the
>in their natural state.

I *think* the Shadow Children - who I might not have called Shadow
People if I'd drunk slightly less wine last night - are the native
creatures of St Anne, while the 'abos' are humans.

The reasons for this are hard to summarise, but: towards the end of 'A
Story' The Old Wise One seems much clearer about who is who, and he says
of his race "Now I am half a man, and know that we were always here...
Listening without thought of our own to be men." 

Sandwalker's people, he says, *came* to this world - an idea which is
also alluded to in the other two novellas. 

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