(urth) Dr. Talos

Adam Thornton adam at io.com
Wed Sep 6 16:51:47 PDT 2006

On Sep 6, 2006, at 11:35 AM, b sharp wrote:
> Also, Talos loves whacking the heads off flowers with his cane.   
> What's up
> with that?

I see that as the Frankenstein flower-picking reference.

> And what's up with him in general?  A homunculus?  Name from a
> mythical bronze man?  Hot dry skin.  No sex, sleep or food needed?

All of these: Onomastics works quite well here.  Talos is an  
automaton, a creation of Baldanders: "face like a stuffed fox"--think  
of him as a *very* sophisticated alarm clock.  Although he eventually  
acquires a measure of independence.


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