(urth) Close Reading: Torturer Chapter I

Tony Ellis tonyellis69 at btopenworld.com
Wed Sep 6 14:58:47 PDT 2006

Dan'l wrote:
>But when
>he deliberately evokes Frankenstein, I'm forcefully reminded of the
>most chilling line in Shelley's book: "You are my creator, but I am
>your master. Obey!"

There's definitely an air of that about the relationship of Talos and
Baldanders, isn't there? Who could imagine Baldanders creating Dr
Talos's wonderful play, and yet Baldanders created Dr Talos. In
Frankenstein, a recurring theme is that of 'who is victim, who is
victor?' - monster and maker take turns pursuing each other for most of
the book, as far as I can recall.

As for chilling lines, personally speaking, the monster's promise "I
will be with you on your wedding night!" is the most unsettling for me.
There's a whole world of horror there, both overt and psychological.

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