(urth) The Katharine maid

Jeff Wilson jwilson at io.com
Thu Oct 26 20:21:35 PDT 2006

Mark Millman wrote:
> I don't think that the eidolon technology is as
> widespread as the deliberate creation of servants,
> which it seems to me you're implictly proposing,
> would suggest.  If I've misunderstood, and you're
> saying that Severian's interactions with Brother
> Cook and Brother Porter are so important that
> the men are recreated from his memory for his ben-
> efit, then I'd be very interested in your reason-
> ing.

If the Masters use a machine to make an eidolon to serve as Holy 
Katharine, they could plausibly use a machine to make an eidolon to 
serve as a cook or a menial laborer. However, unlike Holy Katharine's 
one-day-a-year existence, Brother Porter and especially Brother Cook may 
  be post-eidolons, having consumed enough independent substance.

Jeff Wilson - jwilson at io.com
< http://www.io.com/~jwilson >

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