(urth) Soldier Series

Dan Rabin wolfe-lists at danrabin.com
Mon Nov 20 23:04:14 PST 2006

Theresa Flemming asks,

>Can anyone tell me if the new volume holds to the original atmosphere of
>'Soldier of the Mist'? It had the diffuse, dreamlike quality that one would
>assume an amnesiac/seer might know....I am curious as to whether the newer
>works on Latro maintain that subtle layer of energy.

Even better, in my opinion. Egypt and the lands to the south have 
some _very_ charismatic gods for Latro to see and chat with, but he 
still has to meet his companions anew every day and re-read the 
scroll.  He still feels like the same character to me after 17 years 
in storage.

   -- Dan Rabin

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