(urth) 17 megatherians

Adam Thornton adam at io.com
Thu May 18 23:47:58 PDT 2006

On May 19, 2006, at 12:51 AM, maru dubshinki wrote:

> On 5/18/06, Adam Thornton <adam at io.com> wrote:
>> On May 18, 2006, at 8:30 PM, b sharp wrote:
>>> There are theories on why the number 17 might be important as a
>>> significant
>>> and/or evil number to Gene Wolfe in BotNS. Because Noah's flood
>>> happened on
>>> 'February' 17? Because Gene Wolf was in the 17th company (or some
>>> other
>>> military division) in Korea? These aren't compelling to me.
>> It's the number used to mean "infinite" by the Minotaur in the Borges
>> story "The House of Asterion."
>> "Group of Seventeen" thus becomes "Everyone"--quite literally The
>> Will of The People.
>> Adam
> Are you sure about that, Adam? In my Collection Fictions, there are
> some footnotes and interpolations mentioning that where the translator
> rendered as "infinite", Borges wrote in the Spanish, "14"- not "17".

Well, that would certainly bugger up my theory.

Um, I'll look tomorrow.


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