(urth) What meaning does the family tree lend to the story itself?

Jeff Wilson jwilson at io.com
Sat Aug 26 13:49:37 PDT 2006

Jonathon McKitrick wrote:

> I'm still at the point of figuring out the time traveling, the multiple Sev's
> and so on, but once you understand that Sev becomes the "New Sun" and saves
> Urth, what additional meaning is there to be extracted by understanding his
> entire family tree?  And since that really cannot be done, apparently, without
> confirmation from Mr. Wolfe himself, how can the true meaning of an
> inscrutable family tree ever be known?

It may not be inscrutable; hopefully, some new meaning emerges that is 
obvious in retrospect if X and Y are related by Z, but wouldn't otherwise.

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