(urth) Severian's family tree

don doggett kingwukong at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 23 18:42:45 PDT 2006

Even if b sharp is correct in his interpretation, Ymar is a more likely  candidate for the shared memory  than Thecla, as his childhood is  definitively established in the citadel.

"Roy C. Lackey" <rclackey at stic.net> wrote:  b sharp wrote:
>(I spent an hour last night trying to re-find that plural childhood
>statement in Urth but couldn't. Am I delusional? Help!)

The passage you refer to is on page 284, chapter XL, of URTH. It is one of
those that can be, evidently, interpreted more than one way.

I  read it this way: "Childhoods" refers to the set of memories Severian
retains. They are, respectively, his own in the Citadel, Thecla's at the
villa, and Appian's in the village.


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