(urth) Information, etc.

Dan'l Danehy-Oakes danldo at gmail.com
Tue Apr 11 15:16:10 PDT 2006

On 4/11/06, Chris <rasputin_ at hotmail.com> wrote:
> The religiously dangerous course to take is to say that God
> *can't* violate the laws of nature, and some have taken it. The
> course that has seemed safer to others is to say that God can,
> but *won't*, violate the laws of nature for whatever reason - usually
> because of his benevolence towards us, sometimes because of
> his rationality, etc.

Actually, this is (from the Catholic perspective) quite a dangerous
course also, in that it denies miracles, and the Christian (and so
Catholic, and, I presume, Wolfe's) faith is _based_ on miracles,
from the Virgin Birth to the Resurrection, not to exclude (at least
for Catholics) ongoing miracles such as the limited infallibility of
Popes and the transubstantiation of the Host in the Eucharist.


I do not fear Satan half so much as I fear those who fear him.
                        -- St Teresa of Avila

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