(urth) Soldier: Hegesistratus the Lame Lycanthrope

Stanislaus sbocian at poczta.fm
Fri Apr 7 10:18:31 PDT 2006

Hello Chris,

Sunday, April 2, 2006, 12:22:55 AM, you wrote:

> Well, when thinking about Ares, also recall what Diokles has to say about
> him in S. of Arete - met with, I believe, some approval from Latro:

> "Old Ares isn't some kind of monster, see? Think of him as a plain man that
> wants to win the war and get back home to Aphrodite. He's for training,
> discipline, and fair play with the men. And he whistles when he loses just
> like he whistles when he wins."

> There is some compassion, or at least justice, in this figure.

> Now that you mention it though, the bit about whistling when he loses just
> like he whistles when he wins stirs up some memory I can't quite recall.
> Isn't there some statement or other that the (Christian) man of faith always
> hopes for the best, but nonetheless is never disappointed if he doesn't
> happen to get it, treating each with a sort of happy equanimity? I am of
> course paraphrasing, because I just can't bring it to mind. The reason this
> stands out a bit to me is that I don't know whether Ares had that sort of
> equanimity associated with him, historically. Most of the gods were pretty
> sore losers.

Greeks seem to really dislike Ares, so they tend to ridicule him. He
hates to lose personally in Homer, but he doesn't care whether the
side he fight for does win. He likes to switch sides to support the losing side, so that the
battle is longer.

Names of Ares and his cult.


It appears that Spartans worshipped Ares more than other Greeks, if
not very much. All sacrificed to him before battle, of course.

Best regards,
 Stanislaus                           mailto:sbocian at poczta.fm

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