(urth) Marcus v. Franzen = Unexpected Wolfe sighting

James Wynn thewynns at earthlink.net
Tue Oct 25 20:07:56 PDT 2005

>Idnn was an opportunist who cared only about becoming queen.
>The frost giant women who followed her died for nothing, as did

I'm simply appalled at this interpretation. As I recall, all she wanted
nothing more than to get out of it. After the marriage took place she chose
to do her duty. (Think of it as Jesus asking for "the cup to pass him") That
was why Valfather honored her. Because knighthood is more than jousting and

The frost giants did not do their duty by their queen. Honor was not in
their nature. The frost giant women did. Garvaon did not do his duty either
and dishonored himself; he knew it and sought a way to regain his honor.

I don't think Idunn could have shown anymore honor than she did in
Mythgathr. She would have to ascend to Skai to do that.

(BTW, I appreciate Wolfe's desire to show that redemption is possible ala
the case of Garvaon--not something apparent in Arthurian tales or Samari
codes--but I'm not sure I believed it as he presented it.)


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