(urth) happiness in The Knight

Andy Robertson andywrobertson at clara.co.uk
Sun Mar 20 23:46:15 PST 2005

James Wynn writes: 

> That's true. And I don't think we should jettison all that examination 
> with the idea that all choices are merely the pursuit of "happiness" which 
> is defined as "that which we pursue". 
>> Within the context of TWK, "well-adjusted" = "following the pattern of 
>> the Overcyns".
> And (ideally) the Overcyns follow the pattern of the beings of Kleos.

But, this isn't even beng mentioned in the context of this discussion. 

Why hasn't it come up?? 

I am an Odinist - It's my religion.  I have some problems with the pictures 
of the Overcyns in WTK, and I think I can now define the reason. 

Odinism is not actually a supernaturalist religion: it conceives of the gods 
as human archetypes, or at least that's what we say nowadays. 

I don't know if the original gothis saw Thor as genuinely creating the 
thunder by throwing his hammer, but in one very real sense they believed the 
same as us modern Odinists.   They **didn't** believe in Kleos or Elysium.  
They didn't think that standards for right and virtue came down from on 
high.   That belief came later (with the development of monotheism). 


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