(urth) OT: divine justice

aramini1 at cox.net aramini1 at cox.net
Tue Mar 22 20:51:23 PST 2005

All this talk of Abraham and his son has enticed me to post again after my silence through the Skinner, et al. posts. 

As a child, I always thought about why Jesus had to suffer for the evil of the world.  Then it came to me, one day.  It reminds me of Simmons analysis of the Abraham sacrifice.

God created the world.  Jesus is one in being with the Father, God the Creator.  Jesus died for the sins of the world, and the evil of mankind.  God created mankind and the world, and all the evil in it.  Therefore, the only justice possible was the ritual execution of that God, who created the world and all that was in it.

Imagine the bizarro creator id lingering in the back of the mortal goodness of Jesus' mind, glutted with cosmic power and yearning for some new experience to match all the sensous depravity and pristine goodness that It had already created. Self-crucifixion - a new pyre of experience to kindle, like some proto-Dorian Grey: a hunger for redemption and newness buried under timeless experience, all bundled finitely together under the facade of ultimate innocence - the face of the suffering Christ.

With that image in mind, certainly Severian could be a Christ figure.  Downright Godly.

Marc Aramini
 (next post will be on Wolfe)

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