(urth) Who's in Oreb

James Wynn thewynns at earthlink.net
Sun Jun 26 12:16:01 PDT 2005

"She possessed Oreb, as I told you, because she knew he would soon be
brought [to Blue]. She felt sure--she told me this one night--that Pas would
would not have peopled Blue unless he had some way to go there himself
to rule them. 'Lord it' was the phrase she used. She was wrong, as I could
have told her." [361 RTTW]

>Crush said:
>[Incidentally, it is at the location I cited that the Rajan denies Pas
>INTENDED to rule Blue in person.]

>Roy answered:
>That's not quite what is said. 

>Crush replied:
>You are wrong; self-evidently so. That is exactly what the text said.

Roy responded:
>Hardly. Silkhorn did not deny that "Pas intended to rule Blue in person",
>as you claimed.

Let me rest my forehead on this cool desk for a moment. There. That's

I reiterate:
"[Cilinia] felt sure...that Pas would WOULD NOT have peopled Blue UNLESS
he had some way to go there himself to rule them....SHE WAS WRONG,
as I could have told her." [emphasis mine]

Are you splitting the hair between "Pas had NO plan to rule Blue in
person",  and "Pas MIGHT have preferred to rule them in person 
(although the text AFAIK never says that WAS his intention)
but he would not have insisted on it."??

Fine. Split away. But I don't need nearly as fine a microscope to split
this one:
>I didn't call you a liar. All I said was "that's not quite what is said".
>I stand by that.

I don't need to be a major league centerfielder to catch the gist of your
remark that I was subverting the text in some undeclared subtle or not
so subtle way. Take out "undeclared" and that's all fair game, but
when doing that you could have posted the full relevant text rather
than pull a sentence from it and then summarize what the Rajan's
take on it was -- and then"leave it to the readers" to look it up. It
wasn't a long reference and you had no problem quoting other
references. A nasty shot from the bushes IMO, and I'll stand by

>Crush said:
>He implies that he has special insight into this matter that he
>could have made available to Scylla if she had asked.
>Thus the idea that Pas would not want clones or other hyped-up
>embryos ruling in his stead is not true.

>Roy responded:
>There you show where your bias lies.
>You _want_ your theories to be true.

I don't think you have to cast around far to find out where my biases
lie. And I'm impressed to learn you are disinterested in whether your
opinions are true or not. But this being untrue would hardly undermine
any theory I have. I just happen to think it IS true, otherwise why
supply the hyped-embryos (plural) to the Whorl? That's my opinion.

~ Crush

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