(urth) "There Are Doors" Comes To Japan

Chris rasputin_ at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 10 13:44:29 PDT 2005

Klamm could best be described as a priest (perhaps the high priest) of 
Cybele/Rhea. The same could be said to be true of Green, but Green is also 
supposedly Attis/Dionysus. Since the priests of Cybele actually emulate 
Attis, there's obviously going to be a close, apparent relationship there. 
But I think we are led to believe that Green is "the real deal", so to 

>On Jun 2, 2005, at 7:34 PM, Dan wrote:
>>Oddly enough, i just finished reading There Are Doors this morning.
>>It was the best Philip K. Dick novel I ever read that was not written by 
>>Philip K. Dick.
>>What of Mr. Klamm's relationship to Mr. Green? Same guy at two different 
>>times or just two different blokes in the same circumstances (only one is 
>>beginiing his pursuit and the other nearing the end)?
>It's been a while since I've read it so I won't answer this here, but, if 
>you haven't already, read _The Castle_ by Kafka.  It really deepens the 
>experience, and a lot of things will fall into different perspectives..

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