(urth) TWK - Why Able?

James Wynn thewynns at earthlink.net
Thu Jun 9 09:43:04 PDT 2005

Welcome, Thapaguru!
>>1) Since the good guys are outnumbered and possibly
>>outgunned, I recognize the need for reserves from
>>lower dimensions. But why does Michael want Able?
>>Wouldn't he be better satisfied with a presumably
>>wiser and strong Overcyn?

Well, Able is an Overcyn, right? Are you saying "why not Valfather?" Well, I
gathered that Michael reckons things 4th dimensionally differently from
people of the other levels. After his first meeting with Able, he tells him
that he is going to search for "that great and famous knight, Sir Able of
the High Heart".  The meaning is: The Able at that point in the book was not
the Able Michael sought.

Able himself seems to see things in this way. He recognizes that he became a
knight by wanting to be one, taking the title, bearing the responsibilities.
Only later did he receive the accolade from Disiri and do knightly deeds.

I'd say that the fact that Michael sought Able out meant that at the end of
the story he was already a greater Overcyn than Valfather.

>>2) I came out with the impression that Baki did indeed
>>stab Gilling the first time (like Uri said) and that
>>Garvaon finished the job the second time. Am I wrong?

>I'm sure that Baki did stab Gilling; I'm not as sure about

IIRC The text explicitly denies that Baki stabbed Gilling. But then again,
frequently I also accept Wolfe's textual denials as confirmations,
 so I'm not gainsaying it. I am definite that Garvaon did the deed the
second time (I presume the first) since Able is unwilling name the assailant
to protect the honor of his name. I don't think he would worry about that
for Baki.

>>3) I'm not of a Christian background (Hindu rather)
>>and I was wondering if I was correct in assuming that
>>Able falling down twice after giving blood to Disiri
>>refers to the pre-crucifixion trip Christ made.

Hmmm I didn't even think of this. According to Catholic tradition, Christ
fell THREE times on the Via Dolorosa. Maybe you missed one? (I don't have
access to my books)


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