(urth) Severian's skin color

Chris rasputin_ at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 23 10:38:59 PDT 2005

Don said:
>--- "Roy C. Lackey" <rclackey at stic.net> wrote:
> > I'd like to see the textual basis for that claim.
> > You have, genetically
> > speaking, Typhon = Tussah = balding Horn. And no one
> > noticed. Not Quetzal,
> > who knew the latter two. Not Hammerstone, who had
> > seen both Typhon and Horn.
>Is this an acknowledgement that Quetzal personally
>knew Typhon?  You realise you're saying that Quetzal
>came from Urth then, and didn't slip onto the Whorl 30
>years prior to the start of LS.  I'm not trying to
>dredge up the old blushas greeshas blurth blah blee
>debate but I would like a clarification. Thanks

Quetzal knew Pas, the same as any other augur in the Whorl. And given 
Typhon's preoccupation with his face, it is assumed that he would *not* have 
given Pas a different face than himself.

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