(urth) Severian's skin color

don doggett kingwukong at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 20 20:44:48 PDT 2005

I have to admit that my essay was very by the seat of
the pants, and that it was later disclosed that Wolfe
had never read King Jesus.  However most of the ideas
in that work can be found just as readily in The White
Goddess, which I read after I wrote the essay and
which GW has almost certainly read.  Silk and Severian
are genetically related, father to son, brother to
brother, or brother to half brother I don't know, but
it's there. IMVHO.


--- James Wynn <thewynns at earthlink.net> wrote:
> For the record, I concur with the gist of the
> interpretation
> although I couldn't say what the parallels between
> Sev &
> Ymar's life are, I didn't originally find Don's
> interpretation
> of the Tale of the Frog drastically compelling, and
> I'm
> contemptuous Campbell's interpretation of myth and
> don't
> see it as much of an influence on Wolfe.
> I believed it, initially, because the Short Sun
> declared that 
> Severian's crypt held Typhon's immediate family.
> After that,
> things began to fall into place and make more sense.

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