SV: (urth) cthulhu mythos, BotNS

Sarah Dorrance-Minch isobelwren at
Fri Jun 10 20:22:06 PDT 2005

--- Andy Robertson <andywrobertson at> wrote:

> Now, I haven't read ANY Brust:  is he good???  Is
> he, uh, Wolfey?? 

Good? I think so. I like his tie-ins to Romanian and
other eastern European folklore, his filk, his dry
sense of humour, his ability to make extremely
antiheroic characters sympathetic, his versatility,
his ability to create worlds.

All of which aside from the ethnic stuff are strengths
Wolfe also has. But is he Wolfey? I wouldn't say so.
His style is for the most part far less ruminative.
You won't get the philosophical discussions. You will
get good characterization, style, plot, and
anthropological interest.


Ah, love couldst thou and I conspire/ To grasp this sorry scheme of things entire/ Would we not break it all to bits, and then/ Remold it nearer to the heart's desire - Omar Khayyam

Reach me a gentian, give me a torch
let me guide myself with the blue, forked torch of this flower
down the darker and darker stairs, where blue is darkened on blueness.
 - D.H. Lawrence, "Bavarian Gentians"

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