(urth) Ormsby, Michael

Andrew Bollen abollen at internode.on.net
Sat Jan 15 21:25:49 PST 2005

> At the end of _The Knight_ Able (since this is the only name we know him 
> by)
> hears "a wind [soughing] among the treetops, chanting a thousand names. 
> Among them, both of mine." But how does Ormsby (since Arthur must be the 
> other name) fit in with Walewein, Wace, Vortigern, Kyot, Yvain, Gottfried, 
> Eilhart, Palamedes, Duach, Tristan, Albrecht, and Caradoc? Is there 
> anywhere in Arthurian literature a character named Ormsby? (This seems 
> suggested by the pedigree/provenance of the listed names.) And who or what 
> is actually chanting these various names? Surely, we're not meant to 
> believe it's really the wind--unless it's the susurrus of Parka's 
> bowstring.
> msg

My guess is that by "both of mine" he means "both my name here, and my name 
in America". So Arthur and Able.

Doesn't somebody somewhere compare the voice of the Valfather to the wind in 
the trees? Maybe Idnn when she meets him? 

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