(urth) Why Berthold looks like Ben

Seth Lombardi sethlombardi at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 11 13:48:03 PST 2005

>At the end of Wizard, when Art is wearing his magic helm. I think that 
>previously, Berthold would have looked like Berthold, helm or no. Art wears 
>the helm a lot and Berthold is around, in all of the fighting leading up to 
>this; and the appearance of Ben in place of Berthold after the River Battle 
>is obviously a surprise.
>The big change is Art's healing of Bert, in which "it took a lot to restore 
>the thing he had left in a pond, so long ago." We know that Art doesn't 
>have the power to restore the dead. I think the point here is that the 
>"thing" which Ben lost in the pond is indeed dead. To restore him, Able has 
>had to replace it with something taken from or copied from (a memory of?) 
>Ben, though it seems that Art himself doesn't realize this.

I felt it was something along the lives of: the inhabitants of Mythgrather 
and America do more than just live prallel lives, but in fact share a soul, 
and that the differences between the two places were just different points 
of view on the same conflict, or state of being. Thus being a big reveal at 
the end of the book, it's an attmpt to give the work an extra bit of 
relevance or emphasis or emotional punch.


Seth Lombardi
sethlombardi at hotmail.com
sethopopotropolis: http://pages.prodigy.net/nlom/blogg.html
AIM: melombardi
"Two faces are alike; neither is funny by itself, but side by side their 
likeness makes us laugh" -Pascal

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