(urth) Honor

James Wynn thewynns at earthlink.net
Sat Dec 3 12:20:51 PST 2005

>Able, while still a stripling, didn't like the way he was treated by Svon.
>The clash of personalities lead to their fighting, though Svon, as a
>knight's squire, must have ranked further up the social ladder than a
>homeless peasant. Just a day or so later Able was made big by Disiri. His
>clothes would no longer fit him, so he went, naked, to the village. The
>elder Toug laughed at him and was knocked down, and Able began lording it
>over people. I wonder if Wolfe was consciously fleshing out a metaphor
>here -- showing that Able was literally "too big for his britches".

Well, Able never took much off of anybody even before. He beat up Svon and
also beat up some boy robbers (was that Toug?).


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