(urth) TEOTNS

maru marudubshinki at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 16:37:22 PDT 2005

No, it isn't pleasant when you are on the receiving end;
I quite agree.

Makes me glad I was at the other end.

(To be less oblique, I did, in fact, check the archives
and while I found considerable interesting speculation
on whether Blue could be Ushas, and an answer as to
what the 'sister list' was that some had alluded to, I found
zilch in the way of semantic meaning of Ushas, or its


pthwndxrclzp wrote:

>As I recall you recently (and rather snottily) instructed another new
>list member, why don't you "check the f'in archives."
>Not as pleasant when you're on the receiving end, huh.
>On Apr 4, 2005 7:39 PM, maru <marudubshinki at gmail.com> wrote:
>>Another thing: It seems clear to me, from what Apheta says about how there
>>were two possibilites for Urth/Ushas (another thing: Is there a special
>>to that name? I do not recognize it at all.)

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