(urth) penny-arcade.com tBotNS ref

Seth Lombardi sethlombardi at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 2 17:42:14 PST 2005

Maru: I'm a big penny-arcade fan and would have missed this otherwise. You 
do, however, need to put a hyphen in www.penny-arcade.com . And also that 
link will be obsolete as of Monday, in which case people will have to go to 
the old news post for that comic.

For those who don't know, Penny Arcade is a long-running webcomic strip 
obstensibly about video games but also about just about anything smart 
people who play video games might find amusing, and seeing as how the 
average age of gamers is 29, that's quite a lot these days. Tycho is the 
writer of the comic - and plays the part both in fantasy and reality as the 
ridiculously erudite and cerbral PC gamer, as contrasted against the artist 
console-gamer. I'd kind of assumed that he'd be a Wolfe fan, but it's good 
to know he finaly got around to finding him.

Seth Lombardi
sethlombardi at hotmail.com
AIM: melombardi
"Two faces are alike; neither is funny by itself, but side by side their 
likeness makes us laugh" -Pascal

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