(urth) Re: Increate on trial

maru marudubshinki at gmail.com
Fri Apr 1 16:52:11 PST 2005

Roy C. Lackey wrote:

> In the current universe, where Urth's sun is dying, Typhon set out to 
> build
>a Second Empire to rival the First. The H's weren't going to let him. They
>stopped him, partly out of spite, as revenge for the wrongs done to their
>ancestors during the course of their creation by Man, and partly at the
>behest of the Increate, who had been down that road before and didn't like
>where it ended. The H's are archangels who have the ear of the Increate, and
>who do his bidding. If that last statement isn't true, then Severian was a
>colossal dupe in an epic crime and Wolfe's Urth Cycle is a farce.
Whoa, whoa!

I had thought, that in ( I believe) The Citadel of the Autarch, Melito's
story pretty conclusively said that the Hierogrammates definitely did
/not/ have the confidence of the Increate.

"The eagle looked at the angel when he heard what the cock said, and
the angel looked at the eagle. 'The Pancreator is infinitely far from 
us', the
angel said. 'And thus infinitely far from me, though I fly so much higher
than you. I guess at his desires- no once can do otherwise.' "

The eagle is the hierodules, and the Angel Hierogrammates.


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