(urth) What does Horn look like?

Christopher Culver christopher_culver at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 2 19:58:53 PDT 2004

From: "James Wynn" <thewynns at earthlink.net>
> So... what does Horn actually look like? What does Silk look like?

Horn was only 35 years old or so at the beginning of OBW. While life
was hard on the frontier planet of Blue, resulting in Horn having the
tone of a crotchety old man, I don't think that by 35-40ish he could
have had white hair. Instead, the picture of him as balding is more
probable. Silk could have had white, long hair (in tBotLS we're told
his hair is fairly long), but even he would have been pretty young, so
life must have been really tough on the Whorl to make him look so
ancient before the age of 50.

Christopher Culver

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